Welcome to our Middle Ages Website.  

What an amazing part of history the Middle Ages were.  It was the times of castles and knights, kings and queens, the bubonic plague and fair maidens in distress.  Robin Hood roamed the forests of Sherwood and William Wallace battled for Scottish independence.  The Church was incredibly powerful and led many believers on the Great Crusades to Jerusalem.   

Through it all, as is still the case today, people battled with each other for the leadership of countries, inventions were created to make life easier and the ordinary bloke on the street had to work day in and day out to pay taxes to the king of the country.

Did You Know?

Chess is more than just a game of skill. It can tell you much about the way people lived in medieval times. If you look at the way a chessboard is set up, then study the pieces and how they are used, you will realize that chess is a history of medieval times in miniature. The six different chess pieces on the board represent a cross section of medieval life with its many ceremonies, grandeur, and wars.

History by numbers


Average male height in metres in the 11th century (it's now 1.75)


Stone crosses built by Edward I on the death of his wife Eleanor of Castile


Length in years of the "Hundred Years" War


Places listed in the Domesday Book


English kings in this period generally said to have been killed by their successors
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