Medieval castles, whether in ruins or restored, dominate the varied landscapes of Europe. Stone fortifications were nothing new to the continent, but during the Middle Ages, there was an explosion of castle construction as feudal lords sought to consolidate their power and provide fortresses for the inhabitants of their kingdoms. Some were described to be little more than dirty, cold stone boxes, but others evolved to become impressive reminders of years past.

Many people today cling to a romantic view of castles-complete with knights, damsels in distress and nonstop medieval feasting. Research shows that castles served a very utilitarian role in feudal society. It was protector, visible landmark, and source of pride among many communities.

Soon after the collapse of the Roman Empire, Germanic tribes began to construct heavy stone fortifications. Near the first millennium, another force would greatly spread the use of castles in Western Europe. William the Conqueror, from Normandy, France, invaded England in 1066 and changed the medieval landscape forever. Medieval societies soon witnessed the erection of stone towers and walls in every country. Simple Norman donjons evolved into more elaborate strongholds with towering walls, defensive systems and could house sometimes thousands of people.

The castle remained a prime military resource for much of the Middle Ages. Military tactics centered on the taking of castles, and weapon technology improved over the centuries to exploit any weakness that could be found in castle architecture. It wasn't until the late 1600s, when gunpowder and artillery became more effective, that the castle became obsolete. Many fell into ruins during the succeeding centuries, but there remain excellent examples of medieval castle architecture that have been beautifully restored.


Castle Links

Brief History of Castles - summary Based on this website, it provides brief information on castles that allows pupils to progress onto the other sites listed here.
The Normans and Castle building Part of the history learning site.  Detailed information extremely beneficial for KS3 use.  Further information also available on castle features, terms and the decline.
Castles of Wales A well designed and presented site.  Clear images and maps together with extensive information and links, there is much of use here. 
The Kids' Castle A graphics intensive site that is extremely clear.  Pupils can click on different areas of the castle for more information and some great fun!  
Medieval Siege An excellent site that allows pupils to learn about life in a castle, and how a siege was won or lost.  Includes a great interactive trebuchet game! (Shockwave plugin required)
Castles of Britain Research link page from a larger site that allows pupils to investigate every element of castles.  An extremely useful starting point.
The Motte & Bailey Castle From the Norman Conquest School Site, a simple interactive picture that carefully explains the components of a Mottle & Bailey castle.
Castles on An extensive starting point for further research about castles around the world.  Some very useful links can be found with a small amount of research - shame about the ads.
Castle Builder A US site that leads pupils through information and research about medieval castles.  Excellent activity that is well paced and researched.
Tower of London A multimedia intensive site, but some excellent and stimulating material about the world's most famous castle. (Shockwave plugin required)
Castles on the Web Comprehensive collection of information and links about castles.  Advert heavy, but it is worth persisting as there is much of value here.

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